insights + events

Hiring Veterans in Tech with Aleksandra Johnston
Hiring veterans in tech can make all the difference for military service members who are facing unique challenges transitioning from active duty to the civilian workforce. As a military spouse, Aleksandra Johnston knows firsthand how lonely it can be to leave a tight-knit community for a new professional network or geographic location where you’re an unknown entity.
Ecosystem Success Story: Silicon Assurance
- Semiconductors
Silicon Assurance’s best-in-class technologies provide security assurance solutions that help customers evaluate and protect the silicon chips used in their devices, from smartphones to self-driving cars.
Engines of Prosperity: The Role of High-Tech Corridor Universities in Florida Innovation
- tech's potential
Join The Corridor’s CEO Paul Sohl for a discussion with three Florida university presidents about the role of universities in Florida’s innovation economy and how …
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 2024 America’s Seed Fund Road Tour kicked off in Florida Wednesday, Feb. 7, to an audience of nearly 200 small businesses and business support organizations interested in learning more about the $4 billion distributed annually by federal agencies supporting high-risk, high-tech research and development.