Florida High Tech Corridor Releases 2017–2018 Annual Report

October 04 | impact reports

It has been another eventful year for The Corridor Council driven by the success of our three universities—University of Central Florida (UCF), University of South Florida (USF), and University of Florida (UF)—and their industry and community partners.

From reaching a record number of students through stemCONNECT to facilitating breakthrough research with the Matching Grants Research program to engaging hundreds of new entrepreneurs in the community fostered by FLVEC, this year has given us many reasons to celebrate. As you will read in the following pages of our 2017–2018 annual report, these wins have also moved the needle on metrics such as startup activity and research funding—key indicators of a thriving high-tech hub.

Several initiatives are already underway to advance this success through 2018–2019 and beyond. I cannot wait to keep you informed as we progress in further developing a high-wage, high-value economy that leads the nation and world in technology invention and innovation.

Ed Schons, President
Florida High Tech Corridor Council

To view other impact reports: 2021–22 Annual Report | 2020–21 Annual Report | 2019–20 Annual Report | 2018–19 Annual Report | 2016–17 Annual Report

The Florida High Tech Corridor Posts 2020–2021 Annual Report

This past year, we have continued to persevere together in tremendous fashion. While fueling the growth of legacy programs like our Matching Grants Research Program and stemCONNECT, we sponsored research to combat COVID-19, expanded access to critical entrepreneurial resources, launched economic diversification initiatives, made important technology concepts more accessible to future generations, and more.