Developing your SBIR/STTR Budget

Developing a proper budget for a grant or contract proposal should not be overlooked. A proper budget can be an effective tool in driving the project from start to finish. Be sure not to leave money on the table. This session will walk through the development of a...


The government’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs make over $4 billion in high-risk, non-dilutive capital available to innovative small companies annually. If you are considering pursuing SBIR or STTR...

Building a Quality SBIR Team

Find out how to choose the right Project Investigator for your SBIR proposal, and how to use sub-contractors, Advisory Boards and Technical Advisers to strengthen your company and proposals. The Florida High Tech Corridor is pleased to present this workshop through...

Grantsmanship, Formatting and Readability for SBIR/STTR

A good SBIR/STTR proposal is made infinitely better by writing and formatting that enhances readability by reviewers and showcases your technology to its best advantage. Improve the competitiveness of your proposal with tips and best practices for making it look good...