Three Students Join the Florida High Tech Corridor Team for Hands-on Experience Building Florida’s Innovation Economy

March 30 | insights

This spring, three students from universities across the Florida High Tech Corridor (The Corridor) region are earning hands-on experience as innovation community builders while broadening capabilities to advance the region’s innovation economy through Cenfluence, the Central Florida Cluster Initiative, and stemCONNECT, a resource for K-12 STEM outreach.
Justin Echeverri - Cenfluence intern spring 2022
Juan Echeverri is supporting the Cenfluence team as a project analyst while seeking his master’s degree in neuroscience at the University of Florida. Echeverri is passionate about researching the brain to measure performance in memory, cognition and decision-making tasks. Previously, he served as a polarized light microscopy researcher for EMSL Analytical, the nation’s leading environmental testing firm.
Taylor Stanley - stemconnect intern spring 2022
Taylor Stanley is interning for stemCONNECT, where she ensures seamless communication between K-12 participants in the program and high tech professionals who volunteer to share insights in their careers. Previously, she served as a creative management intern for Blockidex, a computer systems design and software development company. Stanley is studying digital media, web design and information technology at UCF. She is also an active member of the Google Student Developer Club.
Brittany Bryce - Cenfluence Spring 2022 intern
Brittany Bryce joins Stanley on the stemCONNECT team as a database development intern, who has experience in data science and advanced statistics to empower the team with the tools and information they need to engage more students in STEM career pathways. Bryce is a Dean’s List Scholar at the University of South Florida (USF), where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in information sciences.
Since inception, The Corridor has prioritized the development of emerging talent in the high-tech industry. Along with internships tied to its various initiatives, the Matching Grants Research Program has provided hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students at UCF and USF with access to real-world research and mentorship opportunities.

Contact The Corridor to learn more about internships and research opportunities for students: